Many things have happened since my last blog. I found a personal trainer at the YMCA in Warsaw, VA who helped me regain my core and improve my toning as well as being super supportive and rooting me on to better health.
Over time, I've lost 22 lbs and should have probably lost more, but I'm more concerned with my conditioning. I did very well up until the last month when one thing or another interrupted my routine. Of late, making final reservations for both air from Dulles to Madrid on United/Aer Lingus and transport by train from a Madrid rail station to Pamplona, have kept me on the computer for more than I care to admit. I've also been perusing albergues /refugios in Spain to stay our first and 2nd nights to make sure we have a place to stay when we are most tired. We don't want to arrive at St. Jean Pied de Port, France at 7 p.m. and start looking for a place to stay and eat. I think I have found the place and will soon know if it is confirmed.
Also, considering the first day is the toughest as it is in the Pyranees going over a pass, we opted to stay at a place perhaps 10 kms. from the first nights stay. I worry about the altitude adjustment and the steepness of that day. This will make it possible. We will stay at a place called the Orisson and arise 6 a.m. to start to Roncevalles, France, then once over that pass, the remainder of the trip will be in Spain.
I am getting excited, a bit nervous, feeling like I'm pressured for time to get all done I wish to get done before leaving. Hopefully it will all work out in the end.
We leave June 1, 2011.
Buen Camino!